Collection: Products

776 products
  • Amelanchier Canadensis
    Close-up of Amelanchier Canadensis (Serviceberry): This image showcases the delicate flowers of the Amelanchier Canadensis plant. The flowers are arranged in clusters and feature five white petals with prominent stamens in the center. The petals have a slightly rounded shape and may exhibit subtle variations in color, ranging from creamy white to pale pink.
    Regular price
    $99.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $99.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $115.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Angiopteris Evecta-King Fern
    Alt text: Angiopteris evecta, commonly known as King Fern, is a majestic fern species with large, broad fronds that resemble palm leaves. This tropical fern is native to rainforests and can grow up to several meters in height. Its dark green foliage adds a lush, tropical feel to indoor and outdoor gardens alike.
    Regular price
    from $199.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $199.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $220.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Anigozanthos Flavidus Yellow
    Close-up of an Anigozanthos flavidus (Yellow Kangaroo Paw) plant. The image features vibrant yellow, tubular flowers with a fuzzy texture, giving them a soft, velvety appearance. The flowers are clustered at the ends of long, slender, green stems, which have a slight reddish tinge near the base. Each flower has a unique, paw-like shape, with curved petals that split into several pointed segments.
    Regular price
    $39.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $39.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $45.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Anthurium Schlechtendalii
    Close-up photo of an Anthurium Schlechtendalii plant, showcasing its striking and unique flower. The plant features a single, large, heart-shaped flower with a vibrant red spadix (central column) and a shiny, waxy spathe (modified leaf) that surrounds it. The spathe is a bright, glossy shade of red, with a slightly elongated shape, adding to the elegance of the flower.
    Regular price
    from $44.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $44.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $50.00 AUD
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  • Apple - Gala Malus domestica Gala
    Regular price
    from $66.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $66.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $28.00 AUD
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  • Apple - Golden Delicious Dwarf Malus domestica
    Regular price
    from $149.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $149.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $350.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Apple - Granny Smith Malus domestica
    Regular price
    from $59.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $59.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $70.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Apple Trixzie Gala
     Close-up photo of an Apple Trixzie Gala plant, showcasing its ripe and colorful apples. The plant features branches with clusters of round, medium-sized apples in shades of red, yellow, and green. The apples have a smooth and glossy texture, and their colors are vibrant and appetizing.
    Regular price
    $99.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $99.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $140.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Apricot - Moorpark Prunus armeniaca
    Alt text: Close-up photo of an Acer rubrum 'Autumn Red' plant, featuring its brilliant autumn foliage. The deciduous tree showcases a spectacular array of red and crimson leaves, creating a vibrant and warm display. The image captures the intense colors of the 'Autumn Red' variety, enhancing the beauty of the fall landscape with its striking hues.
    Regular price
    from $65.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $65.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $80.00 AUD
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  • Apricot Delight Frangipani
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $0.00 AUD
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  • Apricot/Plum Hybrid - Cot N Candy Prunus armeniaca hyb.
    Alt text: Close-up photo of a Cot N Candy Apricot/Plum Hybrid (Prunus armeniaca hybrid) plant. The deciduous tree displays lush green foliage with a mix of apricot and plum fruits. The image captures the vibrant colors of the hybrid's ripe fruits, showcasing a delightful blend of orange and purple hues. The Cot N Candy hybrid is characterized by its unique fruit combination, adding ornamental and edible appeal to the landscape.
    Regular price
    $655.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $655.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $700.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Araucaria Cunninghamii Hoop Pine
    Alt Text:
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $200.00 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Arbutus Unedo Strawberry Tree
    Close-up of Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree): This image captures the intricate details of the Arbutus unedo plant. The focal point is a cluster of small, bell-shaped white flowers with prominent stamens protruding from their centers. The flowers are arranged in drooping clusters at the end of slender branches.
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $50.00 AUD
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  • Archontophoenix alexandrae
    Alt Text:
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $0.00 AUD
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  • Archontophoenix Cunninghamiana Bangalow Palm
    Alt text: Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, commonly known as the Bangalow Palm, is a tropical palm species native to Australia. It features a tall slender trunk with arching fronds of glossy green foliage. This elegant palm adds a lush tropical aesthetic to gardens and landscapes.
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $300.00 AUD
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  • Arthropodium Cirratum
    Regular price
    $39.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $39.00 AUD
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  • Artificial Acacia Yellow Mimosa Plush
    Regular price
    $17.99 AUD
    Sale price
    $17.99 AUD
    Regular price
    $22.89 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Artificial Acacia Yellow Mimosa Plush
    Regular price
    $17.99 AUD
    Sale price
    $17.99 AUD
    Regular price
    $22.89 AUD
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    Sold out
  • Artificial Tropical Leaves Palm
    Regular price
    from $25.99 AUD
    Sale price
    from $25.99 AUD
    Regular price
    $29.45 AUD
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  • Aspidistra elatior
    Close-up photo of an Aspidistra elatior plant, commonly known as the Cast Iron Plant, showcasing its sturdy and resilient foliage. The plant features long, broad leaves with a deep, glossy green color. The leaves are leathery and have a prominent midrib running down the center. The texture of the leaves is smooth and shiny, giving them a resilient appearance.
    Regular price
    from $55.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $55.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $60.00 AUD
    Unit price
    Sold out