"An enchanting image of the Viburnum Viola odorata plant, commonly known as Sweet Violet Viburnum. This deciduous shrub features clusters of fragrant, tubular white flowers with a delicate blush of pink, creating a visually appealing contrast against the lush green foliage. Viburnum Viola odorata is cherished for its ornamental value and sweet-scented blooms, making it a delightful addition to garden landscapes.
"An enchanting image of the Viburnum Viola odorata plant, commonly known as Sweet Violet Viburnum. This deciduous shrub features clusters of fragrant, tubular white flowers with a delicate blush of pink, creating a visually appealing contrast against the lush green foliage. Viburnum Viola odorata is cherished for its ornamental value and sweet-scented blooms, making it a delightful addition to garden landscapes.
Viola Odorata
Viola Odorata
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, "An enchanting image of the Viburnum Viola odorata plant, commonly known as Sweet Violet Viburnum. This deciduous shrub features clusters of fragrant, tubular white flowers with a delicate blush of pink, creating a visually appealing contrast against the lush green foliage. Viburnum Viola odorata is cherished for its ornamental value and sweet-scented blooms, making it a delightful addition to garden landscapes.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, "An enchanting image of the Viburnum Viola odorata plant, commonly known as Sweet Violet Viburnum. This deciduous shrub features clusters of fragrant, tubular white flowers with a delicate blush of pink, creating a visually appealing contrast against the lush green foliage. Viburnum Viola odorata is cherished for its ornamental value and sweet-scented blooms, making it a delightful addition to garden landscapes.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Viola Odorata
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Viola Odorata

Viola Odorata

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$39.00 AUD
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$39.00 AUD
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Viola odorata, commonly known as Sweet Violet, is a charming perennial herb that graces gardens with its dainty, fragrant blooms. Belonging to the Violaceae family, this low-growing plant features heart-shaped leaves and delicate, five-petaled flowers in shades of purple, blue, or white. The enchanting fragrance of the blooms, reminiscent of a sweet perfume, adds to its allure. Sweet Violets typically bloom in early spring, creating a carpet of color in woodland settings or garden borders. With its resilience and delightful scent, Viola odorata is a favorite for both ornamental gardens and traditional medicinal uses.