Collection: Products

776 products
  • Azalea indica Mrs Kint White
    Regular price
    $39.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $39.00 AUD
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  • Azalea Indica White Bouquet
    A picturesque image of the Azalea indica 'White Bouquet' plant in full bloom. The shrub is adorned with an abundance of pristine, snow-white flowers, each featuring delicate, frilly petals that create an exquisite floral display. The glossy, dark green foliage serves as an elegant backdrop, enhancing the beauty of the white blooms.
    Regular price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $100.00 AUD
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  • Azalea kurume 'Kirin'
    Regular price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $90.00 AUD
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  • Backhousia Myrtifolia
    Regular price
    from $44.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $44.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $50.00 AUD
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  • Bali Hai Gold Frangipani
    Regular price
    $0.00 AUD
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    $0.00 AUD
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  • Banana - Abyssinian Ensete Ventricosum
    Close-up of Ensete ventricosum Abyssinian Banana Plant: This image showcases a detailed view of the Ensete ventricosum Abyssinian Banana Plant. The large, broad leaves have prominent veins and a glossy texture, with shades of green and hints of red along the edges. The close-up shot captures the intricate patterns and textures of the foliage, highlighting its tropical appearance.
    Regular price
    from $69.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $69.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $80.00 AUD
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  • Banksia Robur
    Regular price
    from $44.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $44.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $55.00 AUD
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  • Banksia spinulosa
    Alt text: Close-up photo of a Banksia spinulosa plant, featuring its distinctive cylindrical flower spikes. The Australian native plant displays golden-yellow inflorescences composed of numerous small, tubular flowers. The photo captures the intricate details of the flowers, highlighting their unique structure and the overall beauty of the Banksia spinulosa.
    Regular price
    from $39.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $39.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $50.00 AUD
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  • Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail
    Close-up photo of a Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm plant, showcasing its unique and striking foliage. The plant features a single, thick and curving trunk, topped with a dense cluster of long, thin leaves that resemble a ponytail. The leaves have a deep green color and a slightly arching growth pattern. The photo captures the intricate details of the leaves and trunk, highlighting the plant's characteristic shape and the lush green color of the Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm.
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $1,200.00 AUD
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  • Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail
    Close-up photo of a Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm plant, showcasing its unique and striking foliage. The plant features a single, thick and curving trunk, topped with a dense cluster of long, thin leaves that resemble a ponytail. The leaves have a deep green color and a slightly arching growth pattern. The photo captures the intricate details of the leaves and trunk, highlighting the plant's characteristic shape and the lush green color of the Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm.
    Regular price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $55.00 AUD
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  • Begonia Semperflorens Double Up White
    Close-up of Begonia Semperflorens Double Up White: This image showcases the delicate beauty of the Begonia Semperflorens Double Up White flower. Each flower features multiple layers of pristine white petals, creating a lush and full bloom. The intricate details of the petals, with their gently curved edges and textured surface, are highlighted in this close-up shot. The flower is framed by vibrant green foliage, providing a lovely contrast and enhancing its visual appeal.
    Regular price
    $44.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $44.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $55.00 AUD
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  • Bergenia X Schmidtii
    Close-up of Bergenia x schmidtii: In this close-up image, the heart-shaped leaves of Bergenia x schmidtii are prominent, showcasing their glossy texture and vibrant green color. The leaves are arranged in a rosette formation, with serrated edges and prominent veins running through them. Some leaves exhibit reddish tones along the edges, adding visual interest to the plant.
    Regular price
    $49.00 AUD
    Sale price
    $49.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $60.00 AUD
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  • Beschorneria Yuccoides
    Alt text: Close-up photo of a Beschorneria yuccoides plant, commonly known as the Mexican Lily or Yucca Aloe. This succulent rosette-forming plant features long, arching, strap-like leaves with serrated edges. The leaves, in shades of green and blue-green, radiate from a central point, creating an appealing and architectural form. The image captures the unique and striking appearance of the Beschorneria yuccoides, adding a touch of elegance to arid and succulent gardens.
    Regular price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $65.00 AUD
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  • Betula Nigra River Birch
    Regular price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $87.00 AUD
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  • Betula Pendula {Silver Birch}
    Close-up photo of a Betula pendula, commonly known as Silver Birch, showcasing its elegant and distinctive features. The plant features a slender, silvery-white trunk with characteristic peeling bark. The trunk is surrounded by delicate, pendulous branches with bright green, ovate leaves that flutter gently in the breeze.
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
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    from $0.00 AUD
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  • Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Nicolai)
    Close-up photo of a Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Nicolai) plant, showcasing its striking and tropical flowers. The plant features a cluster of large, paddle-shaped leaves with a glossy green color. Rising from the center of the foliage is a vibrant orange and blue flower, resembling a tropical bird in flight, giving the plant its common name.
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $0.00 AUD
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  • Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Nicolai) (spl)
    Close-up photo of a Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Nicolai) plant, showcasing its striking and tropical flowers. The plant features a cluster of large, paddle-shaped leaves with a glossy green color. Rising from the center of the foliage is a vibrant orange and blue flower, resembling a tropical bird in flight, giving the plant its common name.
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $0.00 AUD
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  • Bismarckia Nobilis
     Close-up photo of a Bismarckia nobilis palm plant, showcasing its majestic and tropical features. The plant features a large, fan-shaped frond with silver-blue foliage and deeply divided segments. The frond is held upright by a stout, grayish-brown trunk with prominent leaf scars. The photo captures the intricate details of the palm frond and trunk, highlighting the striking silver-blue color and the overall grandeur of the Bismarckia nobilis palm plant.
    Regular price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $0.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $367.99 AUD
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  • Black Jack Frangipani
    Regular price
    from $61.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $61.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $75.00 AUD
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  • Blechnum Gibbum Silver Lady
    Close-up photo of a Blechnum Gibbum Silver Lady plant, commonly known as Silver Lady Fern, showcasing its elegant and lush fronds. The plant features a cluster of finely divided, silvery-green fronds that create a graceful and delicate appearance. The fronds have a feathery texture and are arranged in a symmetrical manner. The photo captures the intricate details of the fronds, highlighting the silvery-green color, the finely divided segments, and the overall beauty of the Blechnum Gibbum Silver Lady plant.
    Regular price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Sale price
    from $49.00 AUD
    Regular price
    $63.00 AUD
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